Lips by BB

LBB E-Gift Card


The LBB E-Gift Cards issued by Company are non-exchangeable and non-refundable, and do not expire. The LBB E-Gift Cards do not have cash value and may not be exchanged or redeemed for cash except as required by law. We reserve the right to correct the LBB E-Gift Card balance if we believe that a clerical, billing or accounting error has occurred. You agree that we may deactivate, cancel or suspend any LBB E-Gift Card if we suspect fraud, unlawful activity or improper LBB E-Gift Card use.

LBB E-Gift cards will be sent to a recipient of your choice. A confirmation email will be sent within 24hrs of purchase.

Recipient(s) must have a valid email address. 

*Gift card balances must be spent in one purchase.

Online purchases only 

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